Friday, March 23, 2012

Weekend Book Recommendations!

I love books. You should too. That is all.

Try these:
Hounded, by Kevin Hearne (dry-witted Druid and dog defend desert from demons) - quick and funny!
The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss (secretive sorcerer spins story for servant and stranger) - very (very) long but worth it!
Medicus, by Ruth Downie (ancient Roman physician solves mysteries) - thought I was gonna go for the alliteration on that one too, didn't you?


Jenny D. said...

I suggest Augusten Burroughs. He's hilarious :-)

Jenny D. said...

I suggest Augusten Burroughs. He's hilarious :-)

Jenny D. said...

I suggest Augusten Burroughs. He's hilarious :-)