Gentlemen, this is important. The following is a TRUE FACT:
The time every month which is blamed for female actions ranging from the slightly silly to the disturbingly psychotic is when OUR HORMONE LEVELS MOST RESEMBLES MALES’.
Emotionality during any time of internal chemical upheaval is to be expected, so a little moodiness or irritability is normal, but if men are not constantly bitchy and unpredictable there is no excuse for women to be when they have similar hormone levels. Which brings me to my second true fact:
A small percentage women have real medical disorders associated with their cycles, but most have simply been taught that it’s okay to act like raging psychopaths and then cutely blame it on PMS. Men, conversely, have been taught that the mention of a period means they have no right to object to any insanity, because they've never had one. They even feed into it with that stupid joke about “I don’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die.” Don’t. Stop it now.
Consider this: Women have never been kicked in the testicles but we know that A) it sucks, and B) only a real jerk acts that way. Therefore, men, all you need to know about periods is A) it sucks, and B) only a real jerk acts that way. Treating people badly is treating people badly, whether you’re full of estrogen, testosterone, Vodka, or dark chocolate, and there is no excuse for it. Periods have appeared with tidal regularity since before we were even proper humans and to say now that it is what makes a woman act badly is to say that being a woman is what makes a woman act badly.
Women, is that really the message you want to send? Men, if a girl in your life does something of uncalled-for nastiness, or stupidity, or greed, and blames it on her period, CALL HER ON IT. Tell her why. All humans have to exercise self control and common decency. You’re not a spiteful space cadet stuffing ice cream in your face because you have to pee in front of other dudes in public restrooms, and that’s way more inconvenient than a period.
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