Saturday, March 3, 2012

By Popular Demand

Enough people have suggested a blog now to make me give the idea more than a dismissive laugh. Whether I can be witty on regular demand, of course, remains to be seen. 

I am currently a student in a respected BSN (Bachelor's of Science in Nursing) program at an equally respected university which for its protection and mine shall remain nameless, largely because I'm going to grouse about it occasionally. By which I mean a lot. At the end of this nameless program we will be ejected into the world to take our board exams and hopefully to obtain jobs (the words "nursing shortage" mean EXPERIENCED nurses, not embryos like us), and until then we are stuffing pathophysiology, pharmacology, nasogastric tube techniques, and a few dozen other things into our brains as fast as we can. And yes, nasogastric tubes should be stuffed in as fast as you can. 

Acquiring this much knowledge in this short a time is more or less a full-time job, with breaks for eating, sleeping, personal hygiene, and mental health. I hear some people still have social lives; I am not one of them, although this is admittedly far more my fault than the program's. A lot of us also have husbands, wives, children, and jobs, although again I am not one of them. I have a small dog, whom you will hear more about, and a two-room apartment, and a thriving baby-sitting practice which pays for my Pepsi and Grape-Nuts, all of which are quite satisfactory. I spend considerable time out of class reading for the next day, and considerable time in class being silly (but never with an NG tube). This was not my intention at the beginning, but apparently you ask one question about a blue penis and you have a reputation...

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